Frequently Asked Questions

Why does the order take 7 to 10 business days to complete?

In order to have complete creative freedom of each piece that is shipped out, every item is made to order. This ensures that I can oversee the quality and consistency of each piece that leaves my hands. This also enables me to work directly with the customer to offer personalization with the fastest turn around time possible.

Is it possible to return or exchange an item?

While in most cases, I do not accept returns or exchanges, exceptions may be made. Returns and exchanges may be possible, however, it will be by a strict case by case basis. Please reach out via the contact page with your order number for more information.

Can you ship items without tracking to save on postage both domestically and internationally?

Unfortunately, no. I do not ship anything out without tracking information. This is for your protection as a buyer. This ensures that you have the necessary information at your disposal to see where your package is once it leaves my hands.

With the current status of the COVID-19 outbreak, will it greatly affect shipping and processing times?

I try to arrange for a pickup whenever possible if I find that I am unable to go to the postal service in person for a pickup. This should not greatly impact the overall processing time of your orders.

As of right now, there are several shipping restrictions in place via USPS due to the outbreak that will WILL unfortunately exclude some countries from receiving mail. For the most up to date information in regards to which countries are currently still affected, please visit the USPS website for more details.

I received my package and was required to pay duties or customs fees, do you reimburse for these charges?

Unfortunately, no. The buyer is responsible to pay any duties, taxes, or customs fees that may incur.